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Chiropractic Staff Training

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Spend Less Time Training Your Staff and More Time Building Your Business
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Chiropractic staff training for patient care coordinators, case managers, administrators, and others is easy to implement effortlessly for the practice owner. Each lesson is taught by an industry expert in the subject matter each is video based, and many include written material and quizzes. Some lessons include practical exercises for your staff to perform so they fully comprehend the material and can apply it properly.

You’re a doctor, and if you’re successful, you have precious little time to train staff. Certain positions turn over too frequently and that means you have to invest more time training new people that may take away from time spent treating patients. Ourmaterial is proven to help practice owners spend less time training and more time building their businesses.

Our non-accredited Online Practice University has a team of instructors that have built highly successful practices, businesses, and have consulted thousands of practices nationwide.

This is a self-paced online learning center that can be accessed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week so that you and your staff can train whenever you have time. Each module contains many lessons that include video, a written manual or study guide, quizzes, and in many cases, practical exercises. There are even scripts for case managers and front desk staff.

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Statistics show that well trained team members are happier, more productive and turn over less than those that are not well trained. This makes the practices more profitable.

LinkedIn’s 2019 Workforce Learning Report stated that 94% of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it simply invested in helping them learn.

In an employee survey conducted by Lorman, 76% of employees say that a company would be more appealing if it offered additional skills training to its staff. And 70% of employees would be somewhat likely to leave their current job to work for an organization known for investing in employee development and learning.

These are the areas employee training improves:

  • Employee retention.
  • Staff morale
  • Practice efficiency
  • Job competency
  • Increased practice profit
  • And patient satisfaction

Are you starting to see the value of online chiropractic staff training?

What’s Included in this Integrated Practice Training?

  1. Ever-Expanding Course Library: As of now, a plethora of courses are available, with new ones added regularly, ensuring a continuum of learning.
  2. Industry-Relevant Content: Courses, crafted by seasoned professionals, ensure direct applicability and relevance.
  3. Multimodal Learning: We offer varied learning modalities including videos, graphics, written content, interactive sessions, motion graphics, expert-led webinars, and testimonials.
  4. Customizable Learning Paths: Tailor your learning journey to fit your needs.
  5. Interactive Quizzes and Assessments: Reinforce and test learning through periodic quizzes and assessments.
  6. Data-Driven Growth Modules: Unlock the power of statistics for staff optimization and practice growth.

Core Features of the Learning Center:

  • Dynamic Course Library: Dive into a vast array of courses spanning a range of topics — from clinical techniques and business best practices to advanced patient management and data utilization strategies.
  • Expert-led Sessions: Garner insights from industry leaders through live webinars, Q&A sessions, and interactive workshops.
  • Trackable Progress: Monitor team progress with detailed analytics, spotlighting areas of growth and achieved milestones.

Current Course Offerings:

  • Business Training
  • Sales Training
  • Marketing Mastery
  • Front Desk Excellence
  • Innovative Implementation: Learn to seamlessly introduce new modalities to your practice.
  • Mastering Statistics: Harness data for informed decisions.
  • Patient Care Coordinators and Case Manager Training
  • Intensive Regenerative Medicine Implementation
  • Strategic Goal Setting

Clinical Modules:

  • Functional medicine
  • Neuropathy
  • Orthopedics
  • Advanced technological weight loss
  • Aesthetics
  • Allergy testing
  • Supplementation & nutrition
  • Wound care
  • How to explain cell-based therapies

Benefits of Enrolling in Our Online Training Center:

  1. Operational Excellence: Adopt the latest strategies for maximum efficiency and profitability.
  2. Broadened Service Offerings: Integrate novel services to diversify revenue streams and enhance patient care.
  3. Mitigated Marketing Pitfalls: Delve into tried-and-true marketing strategies.
  4. Enhanced Patient Relationships: Forge deeper patient connections.
  5. Empowered Staff: Ensure your staff stands among the industry’s best with top-tier training.
  6. Data-Driven Decision Making: Leverage statistics to inform your future strategies.

Take a look at a quiz question:

Online Training

The Dashboard Offers You Insight as to Where Training is Needed Daily, Weekly, and Monthly!

Notice that on this dashboard, there is too high a percentage of declined treatments. This indicates a need for sales training.

  • Real time statistics on cases presented, cases closed, cases pending, the dollar volume of each and your closing rate.
  • Statistics for each team member at your fingertips.
  • Whether statistics are up, the same, or down, the learning center offers video training on what you should do.
  • More
Integrated Practices

Stat center

Statistics tell any business owner where training is needed. Statistics are customizable and you can have as many as you would like for as many people as you employ. Employees can only see their own stats but you can see everyone’s. This feature can help you double your practice in a less than a year!

Stats for Integrated PracticeChiropractic stats